We are pleased to announce that Tarik Nesh-Nash, CEO of GovRight, will be attending the ICTs and Constitution Building Tech Fair to be held at the National Constitutional Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 16, 2015. The conference is being hosted by International IDEA, in partnership with Google Docs and Google Ideas. The event’s curator is the ICT4Peace Foundation.

There are several goals to this tech fair. The first goal is to build awareness of easily adaptable technologies for those working in the legislative and constitution-making community. Second, is to strengthen the links between the constitution-making and technology communities. Finally, the third goal is to build a robust network of experts to develop leading-edge technology responses to address both the substance and process of constitution-building.
There will be three key themes in the workshop: 1) access to information 2) transparency in the process and 3) encouraging public debate. The tech fair will include 10-minute Ignite Talks to be followed by interactive demonstrations of platforms, apps and tools that can be applied to the constitution-making process.
Tarik will introduce Constitution Lab which will be an open, online working group for researching, understanding, and innovating on citizen participation in constitution making. Constitution Lab will bring together the sharpest minds from the world of academia, civil society and technology to aggregate knowledge necessary to produce meaningful improvements to modern democracies.
The working group will focus on areas of improvement to the current citizen engagement models. Tarik will explore areas related to citizen participation reach and participation depth. Some key concepts that will be discussed are improving digital and law literacy for citizens. Additionally, he will delve into ways for increasing the basic understanding of legal concepts and keeping people interested and engaged.
GovRight is honored to take part in this special event.