Latest News

GovRight Accepted as a Member to the Free Access to Law Movement
We are pleased to announce that GovRight has been accepted as a member of FALM - the Free Access to Law Movement. FALM is a voluntary alliance of more than 50 organizations from around the world. FALM members provide and support free access to legal information,...
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Constitution Lab Webinar: April 27, 2016
On April 27, 2016, Constitution Lab will hold its first webinar. The event will take place from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. GMT. Constitution Lab is an open, online working group for researching, understanding, and innovating on citizen participation in constitution making....
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“Power to the People: Reengineering Democracy” A New Publication by Tarik Nesh-Nash
We are very pleased to announce a new publication by GovRight CEO, Tarik Nesh-Nash. Tarik has written a chapter in the newly released book “Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation: International Case Studies and Practice.”
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Deliberative Constitutionalism Conference at McGill University, Montreal
On April 7th and 8th, 2016, Tarik Nesh-Nash of GovRight will participate via online in the Deliberative Constitutionalism Conference at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. The conference will feature a number of themed topics including Democratic Legitimacy,...
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GovRight Celebrates One-Year Anniversary
We are very honored and pleased to announce that this month marks the one-year anniversary of when GovRight was officially founded. The past year has been filled with many successes, challenges and learning experiences. Along the way we have built a great global team....
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GovRight and ICT4Dev Launch Revision Tracker to Address Changes to the Moroccan Penal Code
On December 16, 2015 ICT4Dev, in partnership with GovRight, launched a new website to address changes to the Moroccan Penal Code. The website is using the latest participatory platform created by GovRight called Revision Tracker. is...
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Govright Participates in Law via Internet Conference in Sydney, Australia
We are pleased to announce that GovRight CEO, Tarik Nesh-Nash, participated in the Law via Internet (LvI) Conference held in Sydney, Australia from November 9-11. The Conference was held at the Law School Building, UNSW Australia (the University of New South Wales),...
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GovRight to Attend Constitution Building Tech Fair in Philadelphia
We are pleased to announce that Tarik Nesh-Nash, CEO of GovRight, will be attending the ICTs and Constitution Building Tech Fair to be held at the National Constitutional Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on November 16, 2015. The conference is being hosted by...
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GovRight to Participate in Harvard Arab Weekend Conference
We are very pleased to announce that Govright CEO, Tarik Nesh-Nash, has been invited to participate in the ninth annual Harvard Arab Weekend (HAW). The event will take place from November 5th through the 8th on the beautiful Harvard campus. This prestigious gathering...
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Legislation Lab Featured at Latin America & Caribbean Workshop
On October 28th, Legislation Lab’s Latin America& CaribbeanPrinciple 10 (LAC P10) was featured during the Second Meeting of the Negotiating Committee of the Regional Agreement onPrinciple 10 of the Rio Declaration onEnvironment and Development in Panama City....
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